The original plan, after my initial Genius Hour class test, was to create a Breakout Box session for the second-grade class. However, there were several factors that led to this not happening. After I scraped that plan, one of my Genius Hour students got the idea to create a whole school game. From there, the idea evolved into an End-of-Year Breakout. With the help of two students, we worked together to create a game that incorporated several teachers in our building. The students would have to solve eight different clues, in eight different teacher's rooms, in order to unlock the box. Here are some of the materials we created for the game: Kick-off video which got emailed out to all students to build interest (make sure your volume is turned down!). Accountability sheet Before they could approach the 'big' box, the team needed to solve (or at least attempt) all of the clues. Example clues Each teacher came up with the clues for their room. For the most ...