To celebrate the beginning of fall (or to mourn the end of summer), here is a lovely picture of a sunflower in my yard. Here’s what we were up to this week! The seventh graders continued their exploration on narratives this week. We practiced summary writing and writing about theme. We also talked about how setting can influence the events of a story. We used close reading strategies using the Collections Close Reader . To put all this practice together, my students have some interesting short stories of their own in the works. I can’t wait to read them! I’m really kicking myself for not getting any pictures of the demonstration speeches we did in second hour this week. I’ll leave it up to you to picture my students teaching the class how to make cheesecake, wash a dog, tie a bowtie, ride motorcycles, and make lava lamps. It was a diverse set of topics to say the least. Friday, we relaxed a bit from the stress of speech deli...