Am I killing my students' love of reading? I recently finished the book Readicide by Kelly Gallagher and felt compelled to write about it. I've been on a Gallagher kick this last year. On one hand his ideas have changed my teaching for the better. On the other hand, his ideas make me question everything I do, sending me into an existential crisis. Okay, maybe not that far, but you get the idea. One thing in particular that struck a cord was Gallagher's harsh words about Accelerated Reader. I have struggled for a while to make sense of AR, but Readicide was the first logical argument I have heard against using it. In Gallagher's classroom, students are required to read one recreational book a month and complete a "one-pager", a short assignment that asks students about their books. No points, no quizzes, no logs. There is less accountability and less reward with this approach, but Gallagher stands by it. Notably, he stressed that it is essential t...